Courtney: Congress And The American People Need Mueller To Testify


Date: April 18, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) released the following statement after Attorney General William Barr's press conference on Special Counsel Mueller's report:

"Despite Attorney General Barr's unprecedented attempt to frame this report in the best possible light for the President and his administration, the release of even the redacted version today makes clear that his 'initial summary' of Special Counsel Mueller's findings was misleading at best -- and willfully distorted at worst. Even with its many redactions, the report raises serious questions and concerns that the American people deserve answers to. That is why Congress and the American people need Special Counsel Mueller to come and testify on his report. This is clearly the only way that we will be able to determine Mueller's true analysis of the report, its findings, and its conclusions."
